SMILE Club sponsored by Rae of Sunshine Foundation Inc. (KY)

Mission: Promote acts of kindness & positivity
Vision: Bring awareness to the importance of each individual’s social & emotional health
Beliefs: A SMILE can change someone’s story
A SMILE can make a positive change
A SMILE can illuminate a room
A SMILE can encourage leadership
A SMILE can radiate energy
General Expectations
SMILE Club Start Up:- Register your SMILE Club
- CLICK HERE to register your official SMILE Club for the 2023-2024 school year
Rae of Sunshine KY Presentation:
- For interest in Rae of Sunshine KY visiting your school to share Taylor Rae's story, please fill out the form below
- Ideal members are those students who do not normally seek out leadership opportunities, but have shown potential and are sometimes overlooked. (However, the sponsor of each club is welcome to determine what it believes is best for its school needs. Each sponsor will ensure that each member and the club supports the beliefs and activities.)
- Selection includes both teacher recommendations based on the above guidelines and student interview.
- Membership Fee: Optional but should not hinder participation
- Create a means to promote your club
- Social Media
- School Media i.e., school bulletin boards, school broadcast, ROS Events,
- Community Media
- Tag Rae of Sunshine KY on Facebook and Instagram for all events to include
- @raeofsunshineky
- #tayraenol
- #bearaeofsunshineky
- Monthly Meetings
- Monthly Activities
- Community Service Project
- Fundraiser for Rae of Sunshine KY
- SMILE Day on January 8th
- Retreat for planning & leadership training & team bonding
- New Student Support
- Startup Support
- T-shirt for members
- Ideas for potential funds
Monthly Activities Suggested & *Required
- Orientation Club Retreat
- Leadership Book Study
- *SMILE September
- *Suicide Prevention Activity
- *Emotional Regulation (elementary)
- Red Ribbon Week & Promote School Safety
- Kindness Challenge
- Learn a Name Day
- Red Ribbon Funding
- Service Project Veterans – Serving SMILES
- *RAE of Sunshine fundraiser
- SMILE Basketball Game
- Christmas party staff appreciation
- *January 8th SMILE DAY
- Proclamation signing (County and City)
- Balloons & Cake to celebrate the Birthday of Rae of Sunshine at school/organization
- Have a party
- Friendly February
- Animal shelter project
- Kindness week
- Valentine’s activities – Candy Grams, Valentines for Children's Hospitals
- Support juniors taking the ACT
- Visit elementary schools with friendship lesson
- Consider a fundraising activity
- *April 28th is Taylor Rae's Birthday
- SMILE Baseball Game /Softball Game
- Art Activities
- Balloon Release
- Mental Health Awareness Month
- Wear ribbons for awareness
- Mindful May/Free your Mind in May
- Stress relief techniques
- Good luck on finals activities
- Graduation recognition Smile Club seniors
- Community Service Project - two per year
- Fundraisers for ROS
- SMILE DAY January 8th
- SMILE September
- Activity in celebration of Taylor Rae's Birthday on April 28th